26 July 2001
The west bridge tower is on the left,
the east bridge tower is on the right. Picture is taken
with a fish-eye lens. Note the curvature of the Highway
17 bridge shadow.
The east side tower is installed.
The bridge will float inside the tower and on the
concrete counterweight to the right.
The west side tower is installed.
The bridge will be attached to the concrete counterweight
on the left and float inside the tower.
29 July 2001
The first 1/3 of the bridge showed up
yesterday. The center of this section will sit inside one
of the towers. The right will sit on one of the concrete
counterweights. You can see the attachment points for the
cables that will go over the towers - three on each side
of each end.
Closer image of the east side tower
base. If you look closely you will see a structural frame
laying inside the tower base. This will be pinned to the
concrete pedestals on the bottom and pinned to the bottom
side of the bridge on the top. The pins will act like
hinges. This will allow the bridge to move lengthwise as
it expands and contracts with changes in temperature.

View of the east side tower (close)
and the west side tower. The east side concrete
counterweight is shown at the bottom of the photo.