Snowmobiling Pictures

'D' Trail - West of Marathon

You never know what you will find on the trails. If you look closely you will see a Grouse on the side of the trail. Click the image link to get a better view.
A Trail Warden's job is never done! Here I am fixing a sign on the 'D' trail at the second rail way crossing west of Marathon.
Here is an example of some of the scenery on the Marathon Sno-Kickers trail system. This spot is located on the 'D' Trail west of Marathon by the Little Pic River.

There were four Lynx playing on the side of the 'D' Trail just a few kilometers west of Marathon. (February 2000)

Camp 19 - Feeder Trail D110A

After a hard days work of clearing brush, this crew is heading back home.
This picture shows part of the work crew in front of what is left of the Camp 19 logging camp.

The two pictures above are courtesy of, and copyright by, Doug Gibbons Photography.

The club's BR-160 is shown breaking the D110A trail just north of the Pic River crossing.

These two snapshots are from the club's picnic held late in the 96/97 season. The picnic was held at the old Camp 19 logging camp along the D110A trail.
This is one of the scenes you can see as you ride south on the D110A trail. This spot is about half way between Runnalls Lake and Goodchild Lake. (February 2000)

Here is a Ski-Doo being used at the British research station Halley Base in Antarctica.


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Last updated 04 November 2003